I choose to comply with our Life Saving Rules

These rules are in place to ensure a safe working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors.

Our Life Saving Rules are designed to protect when working with:

Click on a rule to learn more about that rule.

These rules have been created in recognition of the specific hazards that are present in our working environment and the significant associated potential risks.

These are Essity’s mandatory, basic safety rules. They are to be applied uniformly across all Essity sites without compromise.

The Life-Saving Rules are not a substitute for a comprehensive and well-defined safety program, and they do not eliminate the need for performing appropriate risk assessments.


From the Essity I Care webshop you can order printed copies of our Life Saving Rules posters. Payment and delivery are handled through the webshop.

You can also download digital print files of the posters and print them locally if you so choose.
Download of print files is free. 


This website is owned and run by Essity AB. The site is dedicated to promote the Life Saving Rules at Essity. These rules are in place to ensure a safe working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors to Essity.

© All rights reserved – Essity I Care