I choose to comply with our Life Saving Rules

Our Life Saving Rules are designed to protect when working with:

Vehicles & Pedestrians

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These are rules we need to comply with in order to keep all road users safe.

As a driver I'm committed to:

  • Only operate vehicles that I am qualified to use
  • Inspect vehicles before usage and stop them if defects are identified and report them
  • Use seatbelts when driving and ensure my passengers are doing the same
  • Always follow traffic rules and road safety signage
  • Keep to the speed limit and reduce depending on road conditions
  • Only operate a vehicle when I feel well, rested and fully alert while driving

As a pedestrian I'm committed to:

  • Always follow pedestrian paths
  • Stop and look for incoming vehicles before crossing a road
  • Wear high-visibility clothing and wearable proximity tags where required
  • Never access warehouses and storage areas unless authorized
  • Use the mobile phone only while standing still in a safe place
  • If I am unsure of the requirements I will stop work immediately and contact my supervisor

Test your knowledge when it comes to working with Vehicles & Pedestrians:

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From the Essity I Care webshop you can order printed copies of our Vehicles & Pedestrians posters. Payment and delivery are handled through the webshop.

You can also download digital print files of the posters and print them locally if you so choose.
Download of print files is free.


This website is owned and run by Essity AB. The site is dedicated to promote the Life Saving Rules at Essity. These rules are in place to ensure a safe working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors to Essity.

© All rights reserved – Essity I Care