I choose to comply with our Life Saving Rules

Our Life Saving Rules are designed to protect when working with:

Suspended Loads

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Lifting operation rules ensure that lifting and lowering activities can be done safely without causing harm to people or damage to equipment.

I'm committed to:

  • Inspect the lifting equipment before usage
  • Visually verify that the load is secure before lifting – check that hooks correctly positioned
  • Stop the lifting equipment if defects are identified and report them
  • Only operate lifting equipment that I’m qualified to use
  • Select equipment according to maximum lifting capacity and center of gravity
  • Establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
  • Never stand or work under a suspended load
  • Never transport a load above people
  • If I am unsure of the requirements I will stop work immediately and contact my supervisor

Test your knowledge when it comes to working with Suspended Loads:

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From the Essity I Care webshop you can order printed copies of our Suspended Loads posters. Payment and delivery are handled through the webshop.

You can also download digital print files of the posters and print them locally if you so choose.
Download of print files is free. 


This website is owned and run by Essity AB. The site is dedicated to promote the Life Saving Rules at Essity. These rules are in place to ensure a safe working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors to Essity.

© All rights reserved – Essity I Care